3 Aromatherapy practices for stress and anxiety

Ever heard of aromatherapy practices for stress and anxiety? We often spend our whole day without having properly paused, even for few minutes, to notice how we are feeling. But taking a moment to pause is more powerful than you think. It gives you a chance to regain your balance when feeling stressed or anxious.

Not realizing, you often strive for small moments in your lifestyle that help you de-stress. Herbal teas like chamomile, lavender can be a great way to introduce a little moment of zen into your routine. So, just brew it up and keep reading!

Sniff the aroma before sipping Lavender tea

For centuries teas have shown huge range of mental health benefits, specifically from the tea catechins from hot drinks. The pleasing aroma of lavender plays a very important role in making it the most suitable for sleep, stress and anxiety. Its aroma has the power to calm you down and improve symptoms such as restlessness, disturbed sleep and somatic complaints. You don’t have to do anything major, just lift the cup, sniff the lavender tea and then sip it – feel the difference and enjoy!

Vetiver roots for incense burning and bathing

Scent is a powerful and primal route to relaxation and reconnecting. Aromas are intrinsic to everything from the pleasure of a morning bath/soak which can be enhanced using our earthy smelling khus roots by infusing them in bathing water or incense burning them to release the earthy-musty aromas, taking you back from the fast-paced and rushed routine to slow relaxation and tranquility.

Other recipes to reduce stress and feel re-energized

We believe aromatherapy can be such a part of our daily life that small changes and inclusions in the lifestyle can have positive and lasting impacts even without us realizing because “every emotion counts”:

  • If you’re feeling run down or under the weather, you can optimize the situation by making yourself any herbal tea/decoction and adding our Raw eucalyptus honey + pinch of Lakadong haldi + 3-4 Sichuan peppercorns . Inhale its fragrance, sip it slowly and feel your senses that’ll start to clear
  • A spray of our hero – damask rose water can instantly uplift your senses and help you feel re-energised

Aromatherapy through simple practices like these can yield so much relief and goodness. This is because these odor molecules travel through the nose and affect the brain through a variety of receptor sites. They then enter our ‘limbic system’, work on the areas in our brain responsible for stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. Aromatherapy is not a specific routine, but a part of lifestyle. Pause and reflect on the small moments how varied fragrances or aromas affect your mood through the day. Here we shared just 3 aromatherapy practices for stress and anxiety but there exist numerous!

When you feel yourself struggling with low energy anytime of the day, you can lean on our herbal teas and edible damask rose water to uplift your mood, revitalize and calm any mental stress. If you do resort to any other practice, do share with us and we would love to hear about your experience!

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